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Cyber risk modeling for reinsurers

Cyber reinsurers partner with CyberCube to navigate the shifting cyber landscape, develop optimal reinsurance structures and develop their own data-driven views of risk. 

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How Portfolio Manager helps:

  • Comprehensive and realistic systemic cyber risk scenario catalog developed by experts in cybersecurity, threat intelligence, data science, and economics

  • Easy to use data schema requiring minimal inputs, but accepting policy-level detail to increase the specificity of results

  • Flexible assumptions reflect company-specific views of risk and stress testing

  • Cloud-based technology allows for instant access to full risk reports and increased efficiencies for technical resources
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How Portfolio Manager helps:

  • Scenario-based data-driven model from the top-down portfolio view

  • Direct support from technical experts to help users implement their views of risk within the tool interface as well as interpreting the output

  • Flexibility in mapping between coverage types and cost components

  • Exceedance probability metrics at various return periods
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How Portfolio Manager helps:

  • Comprehensive and realistic scenario catalog developed by experts in cybersecurity, threat intelligence, data science, and economics

  • Probabilistic and scenario models built by experts in insurance, actuarial science and cyber risk modeling allow customizable frequency and severity views

  • Terabytes of external and internal security data, enterprise data and historical losses with multi-disciplinary analytics

  • Cloud-based technology allows for nearly instant access to full risk reports
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Combining Portfolio Manager and SPOF Intelligence enables:

  • Reinsurers to assess both potential and active accumulation events

  • SPOF intelligence can quickly identify the extent of cedant portfolio impacts

  • Provides a holistic view of events as they occur
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How Account Manager helps:

  • Access CyberCube analytics for high impact exposure, security and data signals

  • Improve risk differentiation by up to 17x with CyberCube's unique blend of exposure and security scoring

  • Develop a 360-degree view of a risk's security profile with predictive risk factors

  • Understand the digital supply chain relationships of an account

Why our clients choose CyberCube


Stefan Golling

Munich Re

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"Leveraging the capabilities of CyberCube will help our underwriting and risk modelling teams in better quantifying cyber risk and understanding potential cyber accumulation scenarios."

Reinsurer solutions


Portfolio Manager

Make informed decisions

  • Access the broadest array of realistic scenarios available in the industry for a reliable, defensible assessment of your loss exposure
  • Analyze your silent cyber risk across all lines of business
  • Probabilistically quantify aggregation and attritional losses
  • Refine your analysis options with controls to adjust frequency, severity, and other assumptions

Establish your own view of risk

  • Stress test scenarios against your own portfolio(s) to develop and represent your company’s own robust, realistic, and validated view of risk
  • Uncover portfolio-level insights for your senior leadership and working teams.
  • Refine your organization’s risk management strategies
  • Determine optimal pricing
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SPoF Intelligence

  • View technology dependencies in your cedant’s portfolios
  • Understand your client’s digital supply chain risk concentrations
  • Improve claims response to cyber events
  • Manage cyber accumulations
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Industry Exposure Databases

  • Analyze potential growth strategies
  • Perform real-time event analyses and sensitivity analyses
  • Create proxy portfolios for planning purposes
  • Validate models and manage model changes
  • Conduct industry benchmarking analysis
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Account Manager

  • Make data-driven facultative underwriting risk selection and pricing decisions
  • Benchmark a submission against its peer group with proven predictive risk factors
  • Understand the complete spectrum of small, large, and catastrophic loss events that might impact an individual account
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CyberConnect APIs​

  • Integrate CyberCube products seamlessly and enhance workflows with CyberConnect APIs
  • Develop more sophisticated sensitivity testing and view of risk framework using APIs
  • Automate individual cedant portfolio analyses and portfolio roll ups for a full book of business view
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Consultative Services

  • Cyber insights & threat intelligence
  • Cyber underwriting enablement
  • Cyber risk modeling & advisory
  • Alternative risk transfer
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How do we help?

How do we help?

  • CyberCube’s Portfolio Manager (PM) is a scenario-based data-driven model that enables enterprise risk managers in reinsurance organizations to analyze and communicate key messages on cyber exposures to both their senior leadership and their working teams. With PM, you can run probabilistic analyses in a matter of seconds, allowing for quick access to results and the ability to efficiently re-run using different assumptions and parameters.

    With PM, you can:

    • Quickly access visualizations on exceedance probability metrics to include in management information materials. 
    • Dive into more granular details by scenario, risk class, and account level statistics. 
    • Educate stakeholders on the exposures, loss drivers and overall portfolio tail risk.
  • There is a significant disparity in cyber insurance wordings, pricing, and coverage, making it difficult to identify a market consensus among carriers. This increases the work that needs to be done by reinsurance companies when considering their pricing and program structures. How can treaty underwriters confidently make pricing and structural decisions based on risk exposure and company risk tolerances?

    CybeCube’s Portfolio Manager is a scenario-based model offering users flexibility in analyzing the relationships between coverage types and cost components. Users can select market defaults to initially identify accumulation and exposure risks within and across insurance portfolios.

    The CyberCube interface allows users to adjust the relationship between coverage types and cost components to better reflect the risks that are covered against modeled scenarios. Users can run probabilistic scenarios that highlight specific cost components to allow for sensitivity testing of potential product changes.

  • CyberCube’s Portfolio Manager enables stress-testing by varying frequency distributions, frequency mode, and severity modes. Scenario specific analytics also include conditional loss distributions allowing users to see the max range as well as interquartile results per scenario. Portfolio Manager allows you to drill down and identify loss drivers and areas of accumulation risk across multiple lines of business.

    As a result, risk modelers get the flexibility they need to vary frequency, severity and other assumptions to dynamically stress test model outputs, and portfolio managers get the ability to efficiently stress test their assumptions, often without creating bespoke models from scratch. 


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