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Broking Manager

Navigate your clients through the turbulent cyber insurance space with clarity and data-driven analytics


Take your cyber practice to the next level

Cyber insurance coverage is more meaningful than ever. Broking Manager (BM) helps brokers guide their clients through risk transfer strategies and the often difficult placement process.

How much cyber insurance should I buy?
How do my peers evaluate at this level of risk?
How can I prepare for buying cyber insurance?

CyberCube data and analytics for all companies – worldwide

Create and run an analysis on any company in the world to generate the financial analytics you need to substantiate your recommendations to your clients.

Partnering with leading institutions to power their growth


Broking Manager

  • Quantify cyber loss potential
  • Inform insurance limits
  • Identify exposures
  • Streamline team workflows
  • Benchmark risk strategies with peers
  • Refine modeled losses with company assessments
Broking Manager helps brokers effectively communicate cyber risk to clients and illustrates the financial exposure and benchmarking details needed to substantiate cyber insurance recommendations. 

With a more analytics-driven advisory process, brokers increase their value by becoming more effective advisors in today’s cyber insurance marketplace.

What Broking Manager delivers


Delivered in an intuitive interface and designed from the ground up — with brokers’ needs front and center:

Financial Loss Modeling
Quantifies cyber loss estimates and informs limit purchasing decisions
Streamlined client assessments
Refines the financial loss and cyber threat modeling to reflect your client’s specific internal security and operation exposures
Risk Transfer Benchmarking
Illustrates how your client’s risk transfer strategy compares with their peer group and specific peers
Integrates with broker team workflows for easy hand-off and account sharing
Cyber threat modeling
Identifies the relative exposure of your client to multiple cyber threat scenarios
Engagement-focused report options
Offers brokers the choice of a summary or longer-form reports based on the stage of the buying/renewal process

More capabilities

Related Solutions

Prep Module

Now with Network Snapshot Reports

Brokers can add Prep Module to their Broking Manager (BM) platform to help their clients identify potential insurance-relevant cyber security issues before the placement or renewals process begins. 

Learn More

Why our clients choose CyberCube


Colin White

Head of Cyber Analytics


CyberCube has proven to be a low-friction predictive modeling solution tailored to our clients’ risk profile. This fits in seamlessly as one pillar in the comprehensive discussion of the qualitative and quantitative factors influencing the limit purchase decision.

William Wright



Paragon is thrilled to be working with CyberCube. Broking Manager is by far the most complete client advisory tool we’ve seen supporting the cyber insurance vertical. It produces a level of detail and sophistication which we are really excited to share with our clients.

David Hallstrom & Nadia Hoyte

National Cyber Advisors


CyberCube provides USI with the tools to help clients make informed cyber limit and self-insured retention decisions. For example, CyberCube facilitates discussion on cyber aggregate loss potential from multiple threats in near real-time versus focusing predominately on historical peer purchasing patterns. Drilling down into multiple verticals, classes of business and company-specific risk management tools allows for even further customized solution builds – a must for modern cyber insurance placement.

Ready to start a conversation?

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