Characteristics of CyberCube’s Account Manager Highlighted
Morgan Hervé-Mignucci, Director of Cyber Risk Modeling for CyberCube, outlines some of the characteristics of Account Manager, an underwriting tool for the insurance community. He touches upon web traffic data for the product and common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs).
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Foresight Conference 2019 - Event Highlights
In September 2019, CyberCube hosted its first user conference, Foresight. More than 100 delegates and figures from the insurance industry were gathered to discuss lots of different topics from the cyber market development to regulatory issues.
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Ransomware and business interruption key risk for clients, claims Lockton
Lockton’s clients face a wide variety of cyber threats including ransomware and contingent business interruption. Colin White, analytics director of Lockton Financial Services, explains how CyberCube’s Broking Manager helps with risk quantification and informs clients about the issues that they might face.
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Race to Digitize has Unintended Consequences on Society | Darren Thomson
A growing dependence on technology through the Internet of Things has far-reaching implications for society.
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Key Recommendations for Using Cyber Models| Matt Weber | Foresight 2019
There are a variety of challenges in modelling cyber risk as well as using those models. Discover Matt Weber, Board Member at CyberCube and former CUO, Swiss Re, key recommendations for using cyber models.
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Aon and CyberCube Examine the Impact of Coronavirus on Cybersecurity | Darren Thomson & Jon Laux
CyberCube discusses the impact of the novel coronavirus ( COVID-19) and working from home practices, and what this means for cybersecurity.
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IUA Members Weigh up Differing Concerns When Underwriting Cyber Risks | Helen Dalziel Interview
Increasing regulation, supply chain risk and cyber warfare exclusions are some of the topics concerning members of the International Underwriting Agency (IUA).
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Getting to the Centre of Ransomware Trends | Morgan Hervé-Mignucci
Since WannaCry in 2017, the sophistication of cyber threat actors has dramatically increased and ransomware attacks will continue to proliferate.
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The importance of cyber risk modelling | Ashwin Kashyap | Foresight 2019
Modelling for cyber risk is particularly problematic given the lack of historic data for this line of business. Cyber risk analytics is extremely important to address issues due to cyber exposure for insurers.
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